It's all gotta go somewhere

Addition Day 91

Whew! It’s been a whirlwind as we recover from the major structural issues the crew discovered while demoing.  Our intrepid contractor is trying to make up for 4-6 weeks of lost time by putting the pedal to the metal with the next phases…we are now insulated, drywalled and painted!

Still, we’re not out of the woods yet, as we still have that pesky ductwork in the NE corner of the old dining room to work around. Throughout the project, this has been the one sore point (and, I must say, this is where a Project Manager could have saved the day, much earlier in the project…didn’t I ask for a PM??). Just last week we finally got to do a review with the architect to discuss how we’d work a wall around the duct and take the opportunity to use the corner in some useful way (ideas were: corner bookshelves, the “hot seat” bench).  And then the architect said, wait a minute, why didn’t those HVAC guys just run the ductwork behind this beam and this wall…and that was what we said and our contractor said at the time but it didn’t happen. So we’ve made the decision to rip it out and insist they use another pathway that the architect says will work. So…more demo. And rework. And that means more cost to the project, so we are finding things to cut to make up for it. All I wanted was heat upstairs…!


1 Comment

  1. Grandma Beverly

    Wow, what an awesome space! I can’t wait to see it! Hope that pesky vent gets worked out. Heat upstairs doesn’t seem too much to ask for.

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