It's all gotta go somewhere

Boys in the Woods

With the boys off camping for a couple days, I’ve jumped on the opportunity to (start to) clean up the house (if only I could stop getting distracted in every cupboard), sit down to do some creative writing, and finally address The Missing Videos.

As it happened, in my zeal to keep the home computer working longer, it seems I accidentally deleted some (many) edited videos (don’t fear dear reader, all the gems are on the blog but it some cases it seems the blog uploads may be my only copy. Yes I am backing up the blog!).  

In the process of going through all the media cards to capture and store (and backup) any footage I could find, I have stumbled across some videos that never made the cut for this blog, but in looking back now, are of course precious. 

Here is a moment, almost 6 years ago now, of the boys in the woods.

What a laugh! How I love to hear that baby voice. His poor checks, so irritated from teething…


  1. Grandma Beverly

    How adorable is that! So cute with those little baby teeth! I’d like to see Dash’s reaction to watching himself. Even he would admit he was an adorable baby.

    • sherry

      So cute, gosh they grow up fast!!!

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