It's all gotta go somewhere

Flipped Switch

About a month ago, D started reading…everything. And fluently, like he’d always been able to read. He started reading entire paragraphs, then chapters, and it was like a switch simply flipped. It has been astounding to watch.

Teacher Jackie said that’s how it happens. A couple weeks prior she’d given him this:


She put him in a reading group with Evan,  and they started working on chapter books. The 2nd graders are reading chapter books, but D and Evan are among the few reading chapter books. We are so so proud of D, since reading is the key to success in life. I keep telling him that books will always be your friend, and keep you company on a lonely day, like today, when ice covers the driveway and it’s too cold to go outside and play.

D is sitting next to me as I type this and he wants you to know that he can read the Mercy Watson books all by himself (and finish one during a quite time). He took the initiative and started reading these books on his own without anyone asking him to try. He says right now his favorite chapter books are the Magic Tree House Jack & Annie books. Thanks to Aunt Amanda for the set she gave D for his 6th birthday! I think we will read them all the way through many times.

Charlotte’s Web has also encouraged D to read chapter books, because we have it at home, and we heard that it will be on the book list for next year, in 2nd grade. Right now, Jackie is reading Toy Dance Party, which is the second book in the series.

At the beginning of November the Loowiters took a field trip to downtown Vancouver, where they visited City Hall and met the mayor, went to the main Library, and played at Esther Short Park (Ester Short and family feature prominently in the children’s thematic studies of our town–stay tuned for more on these folks at Culminating Event).

Here are some snaps Angela (Jamison’s mom)  took from that day:


The Gang: D with Ben, Brayden and Jamison


Riding a Salmon: from left, Brayden, Andrew, D, Jamison, Roman and Ben waving


Reading at the Library













  1. Grandma Beverly

    It doesn’t surprise me that Dash is good at reading or that he loves to read. You and Jeff have passed down your DNA brain cells to Dash and fostered brain growth in every way imaginable…giving him the best learning environment at home, at school and on countless adventures. Kids that are consistently read to will love books. I’m proud of him. I’m proud of his parents.

    Please ask Dash if he will read to me when I visit in a couple of weeks. I would love that!

    • sherry

      Yes, when reading ability switches to on, it’s amazing. I saw it with you and Amanda, the brain is awesome.

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