It's all gotta go somewhere


As D approaches age 6, I’m noticing how much more willing he is to try new things. He’s always been up for adventure, but putting himself out there, on his own–doing something by himself–is new. In Honolulu, we went to Benihana’s one day for lunch, and he discovered he likes shrimp! Since I never make this at home (and I didn’t eat mine at Benihana) I was really proud that we went outside his comfort zone…the theatrical show didn’t hurt! He didn’t even want to go to Benihana’s but now he is a devotee, and had asked to go back many times.

Putting his face in the water has always been challenging. We tried to break the pattern with the Hawaii trip, by getting him a puddle-jumper (thanks to the Case-Fischers for this tip) and new swim shoes, and packing his wet suit (you know how he loves gear!). The puddle-jumper was a huge success–D initiated the desire to swim, and reveled in the freedom it gave him. He is now swimming in the pool by himself!

At Hanauma Bay, where we went to snorkel, he got all geared up, managed to put his face in, and was freaked out by the sound of water in his ears. I could see he was trying to get up the nerve to try again (he kept hearing about all the awesome fish we saw in less than a foot of water), but just couldn’t make the leap. He has confided in me that he regrets not trying again (so maybe we’ll practice at the pool).  I did “ride the waves” with him and that was pretty good–after all it is the big big ocean!


Thinking About Snorkeling


Wave Riders

Fireworks are another thing we have always avoided, because he doesn’t like the loud sound, but also because our neighborhood practically comes under siege each 4th (and so we go away to avoid the noise).  This year we were able to watch the entire spectacular show at the Hilton Hawaiian Village, from the comfort of our “lanai” and D learned he loves fireworks…that said it would be hard to find another display that would live up to this one.  He did still want to cover his ears, though.










  1. Grandpa Don

    Before you know it, he will be wanting to write code.

  2. Grandma Lori

    Michael Phelps, watch out!

  3. Grandma Beverly

    He is such a cutie! Loved the fast action swimming! He looks comfortable in the water. Tell Dash my favorite part of snorkeling is hearing myself breathing under the water. Sounds like you’re in another world.

    Good job, Dash. I’m proud of you!

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