It's all gotta go somewhere

Inner Blood Circle

In the last few months, D’s independence has grown by leaps and bounds, and we are taking every opportunity to  encourage this emotional growth spurt.  He ties his own shoes, uses public bathrooms alone,  and has adopted

Run and find out

as his motto, a line we have often enjoyed when reading Kipling’s Rikki Tikki Tavi aloud.

Chewing gum has also been discovered, thanks to a couple kidlets at school and next door, and this has put a whole new spin on his young personality: gum chewing, baseball slinging, knife-wielding boy.

Knife wielding!?

Indeed.  I knew he might enjoy having some knife skills, and when I suggested that perhaps we could get him a pocket knife, his eyes grew large as saucers in excitement. But as we researched and prepared for his Trackers camps this summer,  we learned a pocket knife is not a safe option nor what will be taught in his camp called Wilderness Survival: Fires & Knives. So Jeff ordered their text book and one-each of their sanctioned long-bladed knives (with sheaths), one in “Chris Kratt” green for D (from Wild Kratts)  and lessons commenced (thanks to Daddy for all the time and patience in this pursuit!).



  1. Sherry

    His little fingers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Grandma Beverly

    Oh, Maida. You never cease to amaze me! I did not see the knife use coming. LOL. I checked out the up coming camp and it sounds wonderful! What could be better than Fire and Knives!? Dash is going to love it. Will a parent be in attendance? Your part of the country really blends itself nicely for this sort of training.

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