It's all gotta go somewhere

Officer Weiss!

Grandma Beverly stunned us (and everyone who sees us in public) when she delivered us this handmade, tricked out police officer “costume” (work of art).

You may recall D had asked Santa for a police officer costume made out of wool (best for our weather). Well Santa was likely out of wool in the proper police officer blue, so he just didn’t deliver.  But Grandma did!

And did she ever! Not only did she make a very detailed uniform, complete with official Camas Police patches and brass name tag and amulets, she also included sunglasses, a shoulder radio, receiver radios, a badge, a notebook, a stainless steel ticket writing case with a pad of personalized citations inside, a speed gun, binoculars, (real) handcuffs (real), several hats, a rain cover for the hat, police-blue t-shirts (with name), proper patent leather shoes, cozy sweaters (2) with name, a flashlight, a carry-all canvas tactical bag (with name), and even an “emergency” donut.

Grandma, we are simply in awe.

Thank you so much! Know that as I type this D is getting into the outfit now. We have gone out in public several times and are stopped every where we go with people wanting to know where we got such a complete and official-looking kit! The world is eager to reproduce your genius. Please put it on pintrest!



  1. Grandma Lori

    Fantastic! The streets of Camas are a little safer!

  2. Grandma Beverly

    I’m so glad he is enjoying his uniform! Creating it was a labor of love as I am definitively not a seamstress. But seeing him wearing it makes it all worth it! I love him so much!!!

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