It's all gotta go somewhere

Kalama Dispatch

Hello Kalama Folk,

I know that illness has hit our classroom hard this year. I hope that if you were ill, you are finding your way back to health!
Conferences are underway. If you have not have not signed up for a conference, or need a different time, please let me know. I would love the opportunity to meet with every family to share the progress your kidlet is making!
After talking about homes around the world and looking at how they reflect location and culture, we have moved into a much deeper look at “The Three Little Pigs” story. For culminating event, we will be performing “The Three Piggy Opera” in the great room. Each person has been assigned a part. There are four narrators: Sami, Stelios, Emma, and Evan. In the next few days, each one will be bringing home a highlighted script to practice.
Over the past two weeks, the kids have done a variety of projects around our 3 pigs theme. In Science, they built houses designed to withstand wind. When all houses were complete, we sat in a circle (as half groups) and tested the homes. Together the group would say, “Little Pig, Little Pig, let me come in!” The child whose house was being tested replied, “No, no, not by the hairs on my chinny-chin-chin.” The group responded, “Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house in.” Then the blow dryer was turned on and aimed at the house. Every house withstood the wind!
The next day, the kids were given the challenge of making a house that would
blow down. After house completion, those houses were tested. It was fun to see the kids using what they had learned the day before in their designs.
In Literacy, we have been reading variations of “The Three Little Pigs” story and then completing Venn diagrams to compare and contrast the stories. The kids have gotten really good at noticing and identifying similarities and differences. Each child has also been working on a story with the theme “The Big Bad ___________ and the 3 Little ________.”
Rest time–We currently close all of the blinds and cover windows with the lights off and only electric candles for light during rest time.The room feels really calm and cozy. I am hoping that a quiet, relatively dark environment will help the kidlets relax and possibly sleep, especially as we all try to adjust to the new time.
I feel truly fortunate to spend my days with your kids. They are such a gift.
Here are many pictures from the past few weeks!
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  1. Grandpa Weiss

    I didn’t even know what a Venn Diagram was until I got to graduate school..

    • Maida


  2. Grandma Lori

    Such lucky kids to have a caring and creative teacher. Dashiell will have the fondest memories of the school!

  3. Grandma Beverly

    I love the face shot of Dash! It took my breathe away at how angelic and beautiful he is!!!

    Great school. I know he enjoyed ranting about blowing the house down.

  4. GL

    Our handsome boy! He always makes me smile!

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