It's all gotta go somewhere

School Happenings

I thought you all might enjoy the latest communique from our beloved Teacher Katherine, along with the great snaps she sent of him in his school Halloween costume (we had 2 costumes this year).

Hello Kalama!

Happy Tuesday.  Yesterday we moved Prince Pippin’s cage and he is now in a place where he can safely enter and exit his cage when his door is open.  He seems to enjoy jumping from rug to rug, visiting the kids and then returning to the safety of his “bedroom.” It is fun to watch the kidlets relating to him.  Very quickly they became accustomed to his coming and going without loud noticing.  Now we all just have to be aware of our bodies when his door is open, so that we don’t step on him.
You may notice that the room is coming alive with a few lamps and strings of warm lights rather than fluorescent lighting.  If you by chance have a table lamp or floor lamp that you no longer want, please consider donating it to our classroom. My goal is to light the room with warm white light most of the time.  It will provide visibility while maintaining a calmer, warmer environment for learning. If you have a lamp to share, thank you in advance.
This Friday, our Kalama friends and all of the students up through Tahoma will be taking part in the annual Gardner Music Night. Your kidlets have been asked to wear fancy clothes for this event.  Please plan to have your child in the Kalama classroom on Friday night by 6:15 pm. The students will be doing a special performance for people from nearby retirement communities so please encourage them to dress “fancy” for school on Friday as well. Thanks!
Our early childhood classes are talking about being thankful this month. As a service learning opportunity, the children are being invited to look through their own homes to find a few items that no longer fit or are no longer needed that can be shared with others.Picture books related to this theme are being read to help the children better relate. This week and next, we will be collecting a food item(s), a piece(s) of clothing, and a toy(s) and/or book(s) which will be shared with children in our area in need.  If you and your kidlet find items to donate/share, please send them in to the classroom clearly marked. Thank you.
Wish List:
2 or 3 Floor Lamps and a table lamp or two 🙂
Donations (food, clothing, toy, book)
We have school only two days next week, Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 23 and 24.  There will be no school Nov. 25-27 with no childcare available. Please make a note.
I want to take a moment to let you know how amazing your kidlets are! It is really fun to be in the classroom learning and playing together.  Today while Sarah was reading a story to the group, I felt the need to interrupt the group for a moment to let them know what a quiet and respectful group they were being.  The growth they are showing is truly amazing, and I am so happy to have the opportunity to spend my days with them! Thank you for sharing them each day! I learn so much being with them.
Have a great week.
 I love that Jeff made a trip to the bakery before school so D’s police officer costume could be perfected with the addition of a doughnut.
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  1. Grandma Beverly

    Officer Weiss needs a break once in a while. It’s hard work being a peace keeper.

    The activities at this school are wonderful. What a blessing that Dash can go there. And he is such an asset for them, too.

  2. sherry

    What a handsome officer!

  3. Grandma Lori

    Such a wonderful learning environment. Very special teachers for our very special boy!

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