It's all gotta go somewhere

Group Birthday Party

Here are some snaps from the group birthday party held last week at Gardner…



The birthday party featured a visit from the Reptile Man, who D has seen a few times at Goddard School. Still it is always exciting to see a man pluck a full-grown boa constrictor from a cage before your very eyes…not to mention having its slithery body draped around your neck (D always volunteers for this!).

We also hired a team of face painters, who were quite in demand; D waited patiently in line to get his face transformed into a beautiful Sly Mr. Fox. I think this is was the highlight of the party for us!

We talk about foxes a lot; we have an elaborate story we sometimes tell at bedtime about “Brother Fox” (name borrowed from the same character in the Isabelle Dalhousie series of books by Alexander McCall Smith), who, though very elusive, can sometimes be spotted snatching produce from the garden in the wee hours of the morning.  In fact we planted crops in the garden this year expressly for his consumption. He is a deep red color, with a white-tipped tail. We catch glimpses of him when we leave for the airport at a very early hour, say, for a 6am flight. What a thrill to see him dive into the hedges, carrot leaves in his wake!




  1. sherry

    wow, an educational birthday party! Hope they all washed their hands before those cupcakes.

  2. Grandma Beverly

    Dash is amazing! You can tell he has no fear of any of these creatures and actually enjoys interacting with them. I there anything he is afraid of? The birthday party was one to remember. The school is impressive.

    I tried to download some of the photos but was unable. Any advise?

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