It's all gotta go somewhere

My World

Lately D has been picking up my point-and-shoot camera and snapping away. At first, he wanted to record all the (important?) things in our house, in case a thief stole them (!!).

But after that wore off, he started simply documenting his world.

He is making an “All About Me” poster to bring into the first day of Kindergarten. He decided that since he is a photographer now, he should include that fact. We’ve gotten some prints made for him to glue-stick onto the board. It may be hard to narrow it down to 2 or 3 shots…

I think his eye is pretty interesting. Assembled together, these shots tell a story!





  1. Grandma Beverly

    I would have a hard time picking out only a few. Very interesting eye with a real attention to details. Especially enjoyed photos of his beautiful mother who is usually behind the camera. Dash has so many interests! He is very engaged in life! Thanks for sharing his photos. I really liked them!

  2. Grandma Lori

    He is quite he little shutterbug! Obviously runs in the family!

  3. sherry

    It’s interesting to see what he’s documenting. Very interesting, and I agree he has an eye for textures and color.

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