It's all gotta go somewhere

Costco Gold

Whenever Jeff goes to Costco by himself he comes home with all kinds of things we “needed” (!). One such essential was a 3 pack of headlamps. In the wake of the Sandy disaster, I guess he has a point. In the meantime, they sure provide for some good entertainment…this is a riff on an old game, which involves running away (to hide) then coming back to deliver a kiss or a tickle.

Other games D loves to play are “go away and find me”–where D hides in his “hidey-hole” and we pretend we can’t find him. When we finally find him he is often “not ready” to emerge, so we do it all again. Now he likes to bring the headlamp with him (“flashlight”). Since we have 3 (ahem), I have one dedicated to the wardrobe, where D often likes to go and read books (he’s gotten into nesting in small places, which he sometimes refers to as “cozy” or “my hollow tree,” taking some language from I Am a Bunny). Another favorite is sending cars and trains under the guest room bed for the other person to retrieve then send back. He will often ask if you are “ready?” and then when he sends the car on a good angle, he’ll say “good one, Dashiell!” or if I did a good job, “good one, Mommy!”

The words are just flowing out of him and it’s hard to remember a time when he couldn’t express himself with words. Today, while watching a Thomas video at breakfast, he said “Oh my, what happen now?!”


  1. sherry

    What fun! And good exercise.

  2. Grandma Bubba

    Dash is the happiest little boy! I love his laughter!!! I swear he is going to be a track star some day. Run, run, run…always running.

    What a cool cozy fort for him to relax in.

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