It's all gotta go somewhere

The Last Word

So, for a while now, Dashiell has been singing the last word in a phrase of a song he knows, especially if the last word is drawn out, over a held note. He likes to croon!

He first really started doing this when I’d play the Robert Glasper Experiment’s fascinating cover of Sade’s “Cherish the Day” (which you can listen to here). Dash will now sing the end of almost every phrase, but he especially likes the long notes on “If you were mine….If you were mine….I wouldn’t want to gooooo….to heeeeaven.”

And now he has extended this skill to spoken sentences in the books we read. He will read along by speaking the last word in the sentence (of a book he knows). Sometimes he doesn’t even have to hear it a million times–he knows by the 2nd or 3rd hearing. When we read Sleepy Kittens at night, he will fill in the last word on nearly every page. Same for Sweet Dreams, Mimi, which we read before napping.

And just this weekend, he added a new item to his repertoire…


  1. Grandma Sherry

    Who’s Smart! Our booooy!

  2. Amanda

    Wow! That brought a smile to my day! He is so smart – and a great singer like his mom! 🙂

  3. Grandma Bubba

    If I could wear out a video it sure would be on this one. I loved it! Laughed and laughed at the end when he sang “M e e e e”. Does he already know all the ABC’s? How amazing at what you have taught him! You both (Lisa, too) are fabulous parents!!!

    Dash is so adorable I just want to squeeze him to pieces. Counting the days until I can!

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