It's all gotta go somewhere

Driving Mister Dash

When we first moved into this house, our neighbors had a 2 1/2 year old girl, Quinn. At the end of the workday, Mom and Quinn used to meet their Dad at the end of our (dead-end) street so that Quinn could “drive” the last bit home with Daddy (on Daddy’s lap!).

Jeff remembered this, and made the mistake of mentioning it ONCE to Dashiell.

Naturally, Dashiell now wants to “drive” all the time!

Click here to watch in a new window.

(raincoat courtesy of Otto; plug courtesy of end-of-nursing)


  1. Grandma Sherry

    Finally! I’ve been waiting for this. He’s a good driver, except he needs to watch where he’s going!! Hiiilarious!

  2. Grandma Bubba

    How precious. Definitely likes those left turns! How is he at 80 mph? Soon enough! LOL

  3. Grandma Sherry

    19 month old tries to drive while keeping his eye on suspicious looking passenger.

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