It's all gotta go somewhere

Reading Chair

When we re-organized the playroom at Christmas, Jeff got D a specially-sized mini “PoƤng” chair at Ikea, thinking it would be a good place for Dashiell to read quietly by himself. He’s been slow to use it, being one to pace a lot between book sessions, but I think he’s got the hang of it now–at least for a page or two!

Here he is reading an old favorite, find the sheep (baaa), cow (moooo)…etc.


  1. Grandma Bubba

    How cute is that? Dash is such a charmer! Love that chair.

  2. Grandma Bubba

    Hey, is it too late to mail the valentine cards. I lost them in the van and they just resurfaced! I am sure Jeff will explain that this grandma is eccentric (and disorganized at times). But I was loving this little valentine the whole time!

  3. GL

    The chair is great! I could use one just like it! Hope the Valentine card was tasty! Thanks for the smiles of the day! XOXOOXO

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