It's all gotta go somewhere

Won’t You Be My Valentine?

Here is a special Valentine!


  1. Grandma Sherry

    OH MY! Whose a sweet little one? Made me laugh and tear up both. Thanks you so much for posting

  2. Amanda

    Love it! That is Victor’s sleeper…aw…

    • BlueWoods

      Yes, the added bonus is you get to remember Victor at that age. This video was taken when we were in San Diego to meet you guys, Thanksgiving 2010. I think at the time I emailed it to you. This version is slightly edited…

  3. Grandma Bubba

    Wow, made me tear up to see Jeff love his little boy so much and to see how much Dash enjoyed it. When the kissing stops you see Dash’s expression change and hear his legs kicking and you can just hear him saying, “Hey, where did all that lovin’ go? It felt sooo good!”

    Any the amazing thing is that he will always receive unconditional and bountiful love from his parents!

  4. Amanda

    The show “The Bear in the Big Blue House” was popular when he was little and the bear would start the show by closing his eyes and ‘sniffing’ the air to find you out in the audience. This cracked Victor up and he still thinks sniffing your face and neck are funny….very cute, thanks for posting.

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