It's all gotta go somewhere

Keeping Busy

At home we’re working on more and more independent play. I’ve noticed Dash won’t sit and play with toys for very long, much less alone, but bring a broom or rag his way and he can play for quite awhile.

Here’s the proof!


  1. Grandma Bubba

    Oh, my! I am surprised you couldn’t hear me laughing from Kansas!!!

    Tell Jeff, “Yea…Free child labor!!”

    But how did Dash get trained so early? It took a lot of head butting with Jeff to attempt the same thing! Did Dash learn his skills from watching his dad?

  2. Amanda

    Send him over to my house – i have plenty of cleaning for him to do! It is amazing you were able to shoot a video of this length without him stopping.

  3. Grandma Sherry

    That is hilarious!!!! What a good worker. Do you see how his mouth automatically opens when the water comes out. How funny. Thanks so much.

  4. GL

    Uh oh! This is way too cute! What will he be when he grows up? A rocket scientist, or a very neat bartender? I’m betting on the rocket scientist! Thanks for making my day!

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