It's all gotta go somewhere

Status Report

Dashiell is doing so many new things–at least one thing a day–that the “new” thing become old hat before I can get around to writing about them. Yesterday: first summersault. The day before: first real nose blow (followed by several more blows). The week before: sign of “please” to add emphasis to his request (on his own!).

It kind of goes on like that.

Here he is learning to water our new plant, Mr. Treebody.

Naturally he does this all by himself now, but not without some extra floor watering.

In school, he has graduated into the next level classroom. He already knows his teachers there and about half of the kids because he was in class with them this August before they moved up. We are working on signing “friend;” they all know each other’s names, although they may not be able to say them. The other day when we left school, a friend said, “bye, Dashiell!”

Before the holiday break, the teachers told us that, when it was time to go outside, the box of hats came out, and Dashiell distributed each hat to its correct owner. They always have a nice anecdote to share with us about his day there.

Here is the holiday card the school sent home:

(unfortunately he was being treated for pink eye when this shot was taken, but I think it’s still worth sharing. By the way, he did not get pink eye at school, but at a toy store).

Here’s a gallery of his art from the fall.

Our other “child” Lisa is doing great in school too. She’s got straight As! Lisa finds this strange, because in Germany, As are reserved for extraordinary feats (she’s an awesome student and she’s only ever received 1 A.). Lisa starts tennis in a few weeks and will be switching out her news-gathering video class for a business class (yep, this the “new” world of high school).

1 Comment

  1. Grandma Bubba

    Loved seeing Dash’ artwork. I’m sure he enjoyed creating them. It’s it wonderful to see this little guy grow and develop everyday! Impressive that he knows what hat goes to what friend. He is such a sweet, loving, kind, adorable soul I know he has many friends and the teachers love him!

    Does Lisa have a lot of homework to maintain straight A’s? She really is an impressive young lady!

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