It's all gotta go somewhere

Sunny Reunion

Yesterday I met my cousin Abby for the first time! And her brother David happened to be in town, as well. So we soaked up some of the last bits of Portland sunshine, sat outside, and got to know each other. I thought ahead and packed the camera in the diaper bag–even thought to bring a freshly-charged battery–but was so absorbed in the conversations that I completely forgot to take a picture of us. So you’ll just have to imagine us, the lowish sun, the smell of freshly baked bread, the streetcar going by, dogs and lots of happy people. I think I could have blabbed all day; we all have a lot more than a surname in common. The baby had other plans, though, so I’m hoping for a redux–maybe dinner at our house, soon?

The timing of this cousin introduction is interesting; I just shipped off my old Sony PD170 video camera to a friend, who’s headed to Turkey to document the town her grandparents were from. It’s an exciting project and I wish I could beam myself there to give her a hand…

Since I didn’t get a snap of the clan yesterday, here at least are 2 photos of the grandparents that we share. Judging from the text in the frames I have, these are from Sally’s archives, that look like prints made from prints, without a negative (thanks Sally for keeping these things, and keeping them organized):

1 Comment

  1. Amanda

    I think the more recent shot was taken for their 50th wedding anniversary, check with Sally to be sure.

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