It's all gotta go somewhere

Visit with Don and Lori

Happy Birthday, Don!

Grandma Lori and Grandpa Don came out for a post-birthday bash visit. We had a great time touring some shops in Portland and sharing dinners in the evening after their day trips to wine country, Mt. Hood and the ocean.

On our Portland day, we made forays into some shops in the Mississippi District, including a stop at my favorite-shop-that-I’d-never-been-to, The Meadow! Here is proof that I can get out and about and shop with The Boy in tow (thanks to some help from everybody!), blow-outs and all (this picture was taken just before such an event).

You can see the fresh flowers and the chocolate wall. Not pictured is the salt wall and the stacks of salt blocks. Thanks again for the gift certificate!

Just down the street, Lori made an excellent purchase at Pistils Nursery, the windows of which sucked us in: exotic plants, displayed to show off almost an ominous but intriguing dark side, and terrariums in glass baubles reflecting the sunshine. They even have a “terrarium bar”–make your own!–dozens of drawers filled with pebbles, plants, shiny things….

G & G had another trick up their sleeve; they popped into a funky toy store and got a new friend for Dash.

Don & Lori took several good snaps of D. I like to call the flash on their camera the “Glamour Shot” filter; it puts a nice Marlene Dietrich-ish glow on every subject.

1 Comment

  1. grandma sherry

    Those pictures are really, really good! I would like to get prints made. Can you put them on Picasa so I can order them??

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