It's all gotta go somewhere

Birthday Cake

Chris & Stephanie got Dashiell a hilarious series of books by Leslie Patricelli about the life of a toddler. The illustrations are funny and simple, kind of Keith Haring-esque minimalist line drawings: the toddler boy has a large head, a single hair, and a diaper. In Blankie, the toddler lists the things he loves: I love Kitty. I love Bear. I LOVE birthday cake (…but I love Blankie best of all).

In another favorite (thanks Kim, Mitch & Rhys), Little Gorilla is adored by all the creatures in the jungle, because he is so cute and so little. But one day, he is BIG, and all the people come, and all the people sing, and there is birthday cake. And even though he is big, everyone still loves the Little Gorilla.

With all this exposure to the concept of the Birthday Cake, it was a surprise to me that, when presented with his very own birthday cake, he was more interested in the tablecloth!

He soon caught on though, as he saw everyone else devouring the excellent cake (from Larson’s, a local bakery that reminds me of my teenage days slaving away at Gould’s bakery).

Click here if you cannot see the video below!


  1. grandma sherry

    He likes the tablecloth because he can do something with it (tear pieces off of it). See how he reaches for the cake? When it’s pulled away from him, he returns to the tablecloth. Little boys like to “do” something. Glad you got him a cake and glad he dug into it later and enjoyed it.

  2. BlueWoods

    Too true! Normally he always has a toy at hand–but the decks had been cleared for The Big Moment. Of course he didn’t know there was about to be something gooey to play with…

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