It's all gotta go somewhere

Down on the Farm

Today we went to visit Sauvie Island Organics, the farm that will be providing us with a season’s worth of veggies–our share of a CSA. It was great to meet the people behind the produce.

It’s a surprisingly small number of people–only 4 full timers, working 17 acres of land, growing 40 different items! There was a tour and a potluck (I brought roasted squash and apples); on the tour we made friends with a second grader, who was disappointed to learn that although there are 40 things grown on the farm, pineapple was not among them. He took this picture of us:

We get our first delivery in a couple weeks. Judging from what we saw on the tour, it’ll be broccoli and maybe some carrots. They are predicting this harvest schedule. It’s been awfully wet though, so the schedule may be a bit delayed…

It was great to mingle with the other families. Someone brought an elaborate strawberry trifle desert, and I regret I didn’t get a snap of it. Every dish was excellent, and while we ate we chatted with a woman who grew up in Los Alamos. Yep, super small world.

1 Comment

  1. Amanda

    Great blog, Maida! The farm looks wonderful and the variety is great. Dash will have a lot of choices this summer and you will probably be able to experiment with some new recipes.

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