Well it’s been birthday madness around here. Here is the first of a few posts about the big day.
Thanks to all of you who made D’s 2nd birthday so memorable. We so appreciate the gifts and cards!
A special thanks to Aunt Amanda, who sent this year’s “wow” factor gift: a new Skuut balance bike.
D was very gung-ho to try out his “new bike!” Here is a video–in 3 parts–showing him getting to know it.
If you can’t see the 3 embedded videos ‘cos you’re not using Chrome, use these links instead:
P.S. The sticker you see on the bike is for GitHub, a product Jeff uses to revision control his code (I am learning to use it also). “Octocat” is their logo/mascot. Yep–starting D off with some good geek creds early in life.
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