It's all gotta go somewhere

Christmas Booty

Warning: long post! There is lots to say about all the goodies…

We got so many nice and thoughtful gifts this year. Thanks to all the out-of-towners who made Santa’s job so easy! Everything that Dashiell got was a hit! In fact, he played with everything so intently that we held some gifts back and have been introducing a new one every few days. He still hasn’t seen all the toys from Grandma Beverly, who sent an array of things: a wooden train set with cargo (gorgeous), a wooden hinged puzzle (we have a companion to this toy already–the one with all the locks–so he knew just what to do!), wooden nesting blocks (also gorgeous), wooden pegs with stacking blocks (still unwrapped!) and a bowling set (also still unwrapped).

If you’re keeping track, that’s just from 1 grandparent…pictures of him playing with these things will be forthcoming.

When Dashiell came downstairs Christmas morning, he was greeted by 2 new friends waiting next to the tree: a wooden rocking horse from Grandma Lori and Grandpa Don (assembled by Santa’s elves the night before) and a tot-sized stroller with a boy doll that looks a lot like himself (Lukas). Dash didn’t know which one to push/pull/ride first and spent several hours alternating between the two vehicles. Dad altered the rocking horse to allow D to get in and out by himself, which he loves just about as much as riding it!

GL and GD also sent a cozy outfit; the nice long sleeved shirt had a fuzzy moose on it. Dash likes to rub it when he remembers it’s on him…Thank you for the really nice clothes.

Santa also brought a train set–similar to the one Santa sent to Murphy. Because we set it up at his height on the coffee table, it gets a lot of use. Here are 2 train engineers working hard to keep the journeys on schedule.

Grandma Sherry sent some characteristically unusual gifts…

It would not be Christmas without some other silly things from Grandma Sherry–this year, socks, pants, and boxers that came wrapped in tiny shrunk-wrapped packages. They grow when you soak them in water…

Mom & Amanda also sent some serious gifts. One is a necklace made out of all the spices n Grenada. It’s stunning and looked nice on the tree. I’d hate to unstring it to use any of them so I think I will keep it in the kitchen where it can scent everything with a hint of the West Indies.

They also sent a heartwarming sculpture of a woman holding her toddler-aged son. It brought tears to my eyes. Thank you.

Shelli babysat when we took Lisa out to dinner, and she snuck a gift under the tree for Dashiell. I love that she got something self-contained (bless you!). It’s a set of “mega” blocks!

He plays with them all the time–thank you!

Uncle Chris & Aunt Stephanie sent food-themed gifts (always a hit): the book “Cupcake” and some play cupcakes that have bases/wrappers with shape the right cupcake into the “baking” tray. Again, another winner–he likes to take them all apart, put them back together, and start again…

But wait–there’s more! The Höschele family sent a set of Legos for Dash (a perfect accompaniment to the legos they sent in the Advent gifts), lovely holiday teas, a nice mug, and some manly cologne things for Jeff. Vielen Dank!

And last, but certainly not least, we also received yet another box of lovely clothes from Otto out in Jackson, Wyoming. Thanks Otto and Mom Maddy!

Oh, and I almost forgot: Lisa got an iPhone 4!

Now is that a Christmas, or what?

Here are some miscellaneous snaps of our holiday.

1 Comment

  1. Grandma Bubba

    WOW, NOW THAT WAS A CHRISTMAS!!! Thank you so much for sharing all that. I felt I was there. Lots of wonderful manipulative toys to keep that brain of Dash’s growing. You know all these grandparents adore him (not to mention his mom and dad, too). How did you survive all that activity???

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